Virginia Holmes, Ph.D, LCPC

ginne photo smallVirginia Holmes was born and raised in Maine, growing up in Hancock, Franklin, and Penobscot Counties. After a number of years working in childcare, and then as a fiscal manager in various non-profits, she went back to school and received first her master’s degree in counseling psychology and then her doctorate in clinical psychology. She was in private practice in Ellsworth and Bangor from 1991 to 2008, working mainly with children and families. She has also worked as a consultant to Families and Children Together and MERT Enterprises in Bangor. She has been a CASA volunteer, a board member at FACT, and has done some volunteer work for Maine Wabanaki REACH, which is connected to the work of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.  For the last seven years she has been providing consultation and supervision to clinicians in private practice.