Bangor, Whiting, Bucksport and Bremen
The Roundtable provides mental health clinicians with the opportunity to be participant-presenters–learning from each other, providing peer support and researching and presenting in areas of personal interest. The Roundtable also hopes to support/develop play therapists.
How it Works
Each participant/presenter presents on an area of interest once during the year. Typically the presentations are 1 1/2 to 3 hours long. Meeting with the same small group of therapists during the year facilitates supportive relationships.
Dates and Agenda: 2015-2016 Roundtable
(The following schedule, and content is subject to change)
Friday April 3, 2015– Bangor (NOE):
Host/Site Manager: Connie McVey
9-12: Art Journaling as a Play Therapy Technique (Robyn Greene, LCPC)
12-1: Lunch on your own
1-4: Cognitive Behavioral Play Therapy (Sarah Libby, LCSW)
Friday June 12, 2015— Whiting (Self-Care Retreat)
Host: Serita Corey-Childs Site Manager: Jeannie McPherson
9-11 Self-Care for the Therapist (Jennifer Blanchard, LCSW, RPT)
12-1: Potluck Lunch
Friday September 25, 2015 Bucksport Regional Health Center, Bucksport, ME
Site Manager/Host: Stephanie Francis Assistant: Patricia Bradstreet
9-11: Play Therapy: When is it Useful?-Transgender Kids and Sexualized Children (Virginia Holmes, PhD, LCPC)
11:10-1:10: The Healing Gifts of Yoga for Therapists (Naomi Graychase, RYT-200)
1:10-2:10: Lunch on your own
2:15-4:15: Mindfulness Practice with Children and Adolescents in Schools, Clinical Practice and Play Therapy (Patricia Bradstreet, LCPC, RPT and Katharine Bates, LCPC)
*Limited to 13 participants
Friday March 25, 2016 Bremen
Host: Jennifer Blanchard Site Manager/Assistant: Susanne Carroll Duffy
9-12: Learned Helplessness Reconceptualized to Help Traumatized Clients Move Forward (Kim Tousignant, Psy.D.)
12:00: Lunch on your own
1-4: Building with Purpose: Using Lego® Serious Play® in Play Therapy Supervision (Mary Anne Peabody, Ed.D, LCSW, RPT-S)
Visitors are welcome to any of the Roundtable workshops. If you are interested in becoming a presenter, contact Sue Carroll Duffy, Psy.D., RPT-S. If you would like to participate as a Roundtable member, but don’t quite feel ready to present, think about hosting or assisting with a workshop. E-mail to register.
Certificates of Attendance will be awarded for each presentation. Each day is designed to provide 6 CE Credits or Contact Hours. Partial hours are permitted with approval. By The Sea Seminars (APT Approved Provider 04-144) takes full responsibility. Per the Maine Licensed Professional Counselors Board and Maine Board of Social Work , it is up to the individual to decide if the program enhances his/her professional competence. You will receive APT CEU’s only for those workshops with “play therapy” in the title.
Presenter: $100 for the year
Visitor: $100 per workshop
Past Presenter: $50 per workshop
Site Manager/Presenters: No charge
Site Manager/Host: No Charge
Site Manager/Presenter Assistants: $50 for the year
Host/Presenter: $50 for the year
Site Manager: $100 for the year
Site Manager Assistant: $100 for the year
APT Members: 10% discount.
Limited to 16 participants at Bangor and Whiting locations. Limited to 12 in Bremen. Limited to 10 participants at Bucksport.
Cancellation Policy
Refund of 50% provided with 24 hours notice.
Location and Directions
April Workshop–Bangor: Northeast Occupational Exchange (NOE), 29 Franklin Street, Bangor Maine. 942-3816.
June Workshop–Whiting: 42 Rabbit Lane, Whiting, Maine 04691, 207-259-4440
September Workshop–Bucksport: Bucksport Regional Health Center, 110 Broadway, Bucksport.
March Workshop–Bremen: Nautilus counseling, 997 Biscay Rd., Bremen, Maine. Phone: 207-380-7408. From the Damariscotta McDonald’s on Business Route 1, take Biscay Rd. 4.5 miles until you reach 997 Biscay Rd. Look for a blue house on the right. There’s a small white sign on a tree that says Nautilus Counseling. If you reach Route 32, you have gone 0.3 mile too far.
By The Sea Seminars
(APT Approved Provider 04-144)