The Moving Stories Method for Schools: A Multisensory Approach to Social Emotional Listening and Resilience

Monday April 3, 2023 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM

6 Contact Hours

Cost: $150


The Moving Stories method is a playful multi-sensory storytelling approach using objects in a sandtray to tell healing stories. This engaging way of approaching social and emotional learning helps classrooms develop safe, connected places where creativity and student voice are heard.  It is particularly helpful for children experiencing stress or trauma.  Through the power of story and play, students engage more enthusiastically in learning, enhance emotional awareness and regulation, increase positive feelings about school, improve relationships and self-concept, and find creative ways to express their feelings. 

This workshop will provide a retreat-like atmosphere to experience the Moving Stories method first hand, followed by time to explore ways to use this playful trauma-responsive approach with classrooms  and groups. The training is especially designed for those working in the school setting.  Workshop Limited to 14 Participants.


  • Participants will understand the benefits of a creative mulit-sensory approach as a trauma responsive method to social-emotional learning and listening for classrooms and groups.
  • Participants will experience and understand the 9 steps in the Moving Stories method.
  • Participants will practice using the Moving Stories method in small groups and plan a series of stories for groups/classrooms.
  • Participants will learn about resources for stories and ongoing supports in using the Moving Stories method.


Sue Carroll Duffy, Psy.D., RPT-S is a clinical psychologist and Registered Play Therapy Supervisor. She is the creator of the Moving Stories method. Dr. Duffy works with the Passamaquoddy tribe at the Pleasant Point Health Center as the Acting Behavioral Health Director. She presents locally, nationally and internationally, is author to two book chapters and a series of therapeutic stories available through By The Sea Seminars. Finding Diamonds, her most recent publication is a picture book that encourages a child’s relationship to nature and builds self-acceptance.

Alahna Roach, LCPC-c, ATR-p is is a counselor and art therapist at Pleasant Point Health Center in Sipayik, Maine. She has delivered the Moving Stories method to schools on the coast of Washington County and has presented locally, nationally and internationally about the therapeutic benefits of art and creative expression. Moving Stories is her favorite tool for eliciting a child’s voice.


Monday April 3rd

9:00-11:00: Moving Stories Play Therapy Method in the school setting.

11:00-12:00: Understanding the Moving Stories steps.

12:00-1:00 Lunch

1:00-2:00: Make a Moving Stories kit

2:00-4:00 Presenting Moving Stories


This workshop provides 6 Contact Hours. By The Sea Seminars takes full responsibility for this workshop. Per the Maine Licensed Professional Counselors Board and Maine Board of Social Work , it is up to the individual to decide if the program enhances his/her professional competence.


This workshop is designed for school personnel (teachers, trauma coaches, school counselors), or others in the educational or mental health fields working with children.


Refund of 50% provided with 24 hours notice.

Location Address

Weald Bethel
6 Weald Bethel Lane
Cherryfield, ME 04622
(207) 546-4466

Recommended Reading

Brown, L., Tappan, M., & Biddle, C. (2022). Trauma-Responsive Schooling: Centering Student Voice and Healing.  Read Chapter 4: Stories in the Sand

Questions? Call (207) 853-7246